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Holy Family School, Cootehill, Co. Cavan

Fun in the Sun! ☀️

26th Apr 2024

It has been a fantastic week in Ash class this week. We took full advantage of all this sunshine!! ☀️ Mervin learned to write his own name which was a huge achievement, Well done Mervin!! 🎉 We enjoyed a trip to SuperValu where the children used money to buy a nice treat (PLU 4, 4.18, 4.30). In Literacy, the children explored things they liked and things they did not like (PLU 1, 1.14). We also made top hats during groupwork, I cant say there was no licking spoons or sneaking marshmallows here or there 🙈 (PLU 3, 3.15). The children also enjoyed a trip to the playpark and time outside in the sunshine which was so much fun!! Everyone was so happy, well done on a great week!